Zone as Gameplay

NFT-ZONES is a key for the gameplay, as mentioned before that everything here is an NFT. some of them will be FREE claim. its purpose to make other can trade the ownership of progress they made

STAR-EX offers multiple gameplays using the same resources, allowing for progressive development each month. This approach ensures that players can play and receive updates without waiting for the full gameplay to be released, as the game will continuously evolve. Development will proceed step by step, reusing previous code resources to expand other parts of the game. Especially since the game is browser-based, players will experience seamless updates without the need to reinstall the game repeatedly.

The main gameplay zones in STAR-EX will be developed and launched in the following order:

  • Mini-game

  • Race Arena

  • Explorations

  • Expeditions <Staking>

Additional gameplay features will be developed once the initial features are completed and the team expands:

  • Team Battle

  • Open World

Last updated